Series 3: Ep 5 My Students

my students

· Series Three

 Enjoy this fabulous conversation! 


Today’s episode is a slight departure from the norm -a tad different, yet really special.

I am a huge advocate for the young adults of today. I teach in a university, and I think our students are an impressive lens into the future.

Today’s episode spends a little time with 5 of UCLan Music Theatre’s first year students in an open and honest chat.

We talk social media – the good, the bad and the ugly. The way social media has positively and negatively impacted their lives, as for most, it has largely been a world with social media. We discuss the industry and how they see it changing with more diversity and better representation.

They also generously talk about being away from home and their uni life experience which for some is not quite the partying and drinking associated with first year students, largely due to the nature of the course.

I am so privileged to teach the students on the Music Theatre course and I hope their passion, their support for one another and their openness to be vulnerable is a lesson to us all.

To Fran, Lily, Niamh, Sammy and Suzo – I adore you and thank you for your time and generosity!

Enjoy x